Shaun T pushes you. He pulls you along, he cajoles and convinces, he exhorts and demands. Generally, while you’re on all fours, forehead resting on the ground, sweat running into your eyes and breathing like your lungs are broken, he even begs. Dig deeper, he says. Push more durable. There is not any letting up. These thirty second water breaks are a joke, moments of sanity in a desert of insanity, and Shaun T’s the Pied Piper main us all to our deaths as we dance and leap and fall and rise up again to the sound of his voice. MADNESS is aptly named. If you are going to do this exercise, verify your thoughts on the door.

Almost completely paralyzed from cerebral palsy, she also suffered from extreme degenerative arthritis. Her solely management of her physique lay in her capability to maneuver her facial and throat muscles sufficient to …