How to Enlarge Your Penis

Penis enlargement is also known as male enhancement? When a human is trying to increase the size of their penis this is the proper definition for penis enlargement or male enhancement. There are three different areas of the penis that people are looking to increase, and they are in length, girth, and shaft size. Most men who perform male enhancement have normal sized penises, but it is a mental Factor that makes them think that they are inadequate. the name of this mental disorder or low self-esteem disorder is called dysmorphophobia. 

How to Enlarge Your Penis

Procedures That Enlarge the Penis

There are five different penis enlargement techniques that are currently used. These techniques are surgery, vitamins, ointments, pumps, and patches. The surgical treatment for male enhancement is performed in two different procedures and they are penile augmentation and suspensory ligament release.

Penile augmentation is when fat cells are either grafted or ejected into the …