Health Care ArticlesMyth: A single-payer system would impose an unacceptable financial burden on U.S. households. Actuality: Single payer is the one health reform that pays for itself. By changing a whole lot of insurers and hundreds of different non-public health plans, each with their own advertising and marketing, enrollment, billing, utilization assessment, actuary and other departments, with a single, streamlined, tax-financed nonprofit program, more than $400 billion in health spending could be freed as much as guarantee coverage to all the 30 million people who are at the moment uninsured and to upgrade the protection of everybody else, including the tens of thousands and thousands who’re underinsured Co-pays and deductibles, which have been rapidly rising beneath the Inexpensive Care Act, could be eradicated. Further, the only-payer system’s bargaining clout would rein in rising costs for drugs and medical provides. Lump-sum budgets for hospitals and capital planning would control costs even more.

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