If You’re Careful You’ve Got Nothing to Worry About

I did a search for Forskolin reviews side effects after my daughter bought a couple of bottles of this herbal supplement in order to lose weight. I had never heard about this stuff, but she swore up and down that she had friends who lost a ton of weight taking these herbal supplements. I worry about her so I decided to do my own research online. Looking for health related information online is an exercise in patience because there are so many sites that misrepresent information. You’ve heard the jokes where any given health search for a cough online is either cancer or a cold.

I wasn’t worried she would get cancer from taking this stuff, but herbals can be funny things. I’ve taken more than a few of them in my life and a couple of them caused some issues. I got a nasty rash and a cough from …

Things have not really improved since the gasoline prices skyrocketed a few years ago. Yes, I know they have since came back down, but it is kind of distracting to what happened. When the price shot up even my job was affected. I paid more to get back and forth to work, and my job froze all raises citing their increased fuel costs. We started paying more for everything from our groceries to our clothes, and even our electricity rate and other utilities climbed in price. Everyone was citing how the gas prices were costing them more money. They did that to make more money, but I got froze out of a raise but still had to pay more for everything.

People kind of took it in stride just trying to get through their days, but the impact is still being felt.…