Growing Up with a Gluten Intolerance

It’s estimated nearly 20 million people suffer from gluten sensitivity, and that number includes children. It is one of the more common allergies, and the most frequent chronic intestinal disease, but health professionals like Pinnacle Health Group say it’s easy for parents to misdiagnose.

What Is Gluten and Why Are We Allergic to It?

Glucoprotein or Gluten is a protein that is indigestible. It accounts for 80 percent of wheat proteins and is used in many food products for its thickening power, as it has a sticky and fibrous texture. Gluten is responsible for the elasticity of flour, which allows, together with the fermentation, the bread to obtain volume as well as the elastic and spongy consistency of baked doughs. Gluten allergies are a response of the body to a substance that cannot be tolerated. The body’s defense mechanism recognizes gluten as strange and dangerous, binds to it, …